It is important to establish business credit as soon as you decide to go into business. Having good business credit is always important, and you also need to understand how bad credit can affect your business. The most impactful aspect of business credit is your ability to secure financing. If you have bad credit, you […]
The SmallBizChat Podcast: Managing your Credit in the Pandemic with James Hunt
James Hunt is a celebrity wealth management expert and credit specialist that works with some of the biggest stars. Athletes, movie stars, recording artists, and business professionals rely on him to help them manage their wealth and handle personal and business matters. He also works with young entrepreneurs by assisting them in starting their entrepreneurial […]
How to Better Manage Your Small Business Finances
Chances are you started your business because you have a passion for a particular product or service…not because you love managing the financial aspect of a business. Yet every business owner must learn how to manage their small business finances if they want to grow and thrive. Today I’m sharing three tips that will help […]
How to Establish Business Credit
If you are in business most likely your personal credit has been your business credit, but did you know that you can establish business credit. Cash challenges are real. We have all been there, needing cash flow to make payroll, purchase inventory, hire new employees and expand but can’t because the capital isn’t available without […]
Top 6 Reasons Why You Need a Small Business Credit Card
Guest Article We live in a cashless society in which debit and credit cards rule. When was the last time you paid for goods or services with cash or even a check? It’s probably been awhile. As important as it is to have access to credit as a consumer, it’s even more vital as a […]
How To Investigate A Business Customer’s Credit
Guest Article You have a new customer and they want to pay after you deliver your product or service. Essentially they are asking you to extend them credit. Like every bank that lends money, you should check your customer’s credit to make sure they have the financial capability to pay you when the time comes. […]