Learning how to treat customers how they want to be treated is vital to small business growth. The latest research proves this from many angles. For example, consider these customer service statistics: 81 percent of customers say a positive customer service experience increases their chances of buying from that company again. 95 percent of consumers […]
7 Ways to Love Your Customers
February is the Love month, but not just for couples. All power rests within the hands of your customers. They can choose your brand or go with your competitor. Use this month to show your customers how much you appreciate them. It’s something you need to do not just around Valentine’s Day, but all year […]
How Do You Show Your Customers Love?
Love is in the air this month, and not just for couples. As a business owner, it’s important that you show your customers how much you love and appreciate them, not just around Valentine’s Day, but all year ‘round. Consider whether you’re doing a good job of showing your customers a little love, and put […]