In order to be successful as a business, you need to know your market as well as your competition. After all, knowledge is power and being prepared can help you get ahead. Launching a business without knowing what to expect is the quickest way to be left behind, whether today or tomorrow! Let’s look at […]
How to Identify Your Target Market
Guest Article To be able to grow any business, you have to market the product or service to a particular target audience. Without narrowing your focus to a specific customer, you miss the opportunity to be viewed as a specialist or worse spend marketing dollars trying to reach a huge audience and not make much […]
6 Ways to DIY Your Market Research For Your Small Business
If you want to start your own business and begin with a solid foundation, there is a lot of preliminary work you can do as you continue to work for others, so don’t quit your day job just yet. While you continue to earn a paycheck, you can refine your business concept. As part of […]